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Save money on your gas, oil or electricity bills in winter. With a multi fuel stove.

The appeal of a working fireplace is instantly recognisable, but did you know installing a multi fuel stove that can burn wood, coal and anthracite can be a good decision for your finances as well as your heart?

Westcountry Woodburners can be used to heat areas of your home without the need for central heating, instantly saving you money.

With the correct types of fuel our stoves can be safely lit throughout the night making your home warm 24 hours a day and can still be used if you live in a smoke controlled area.

We believe this may save you up to 30% of conventional heating costs.

We are fully HETAS® registered offering you peace of mind with your installation. All of our work is guaranteed.From the simplest of installations to the most complex we pride ourselves on offering good advice great service and an ongoing commitment have a look at our BLOG for some examples of our work.
So why not CONTACT US to find out more.

Woodburning stoves immediately become the focal point and heart of your home.